After having been hit with an advanced form of cancer in early 2009, I desperately raised my hands up in the air and asked "why me?" Apparently, there's no satisfactory answer to that question. So, I tried another one: "Now what?" That's when the road to discovering how to live with cancer opened up. "Live" is the operative word. Life is a process. And process is constant. Now, I don't purport my process to be the end-all-be-all. It's been quite a trip really, full of stumbles and falls. But, no matter how slowly or quickly, I eventually got up each time, albeit asking "now what?" many a time. The hope is that something here resonates with some of you out there, so that you know that you are not alone, or wrong, or beaten, or weak, or crazy – even when you raise your hands up to the air sometimes and ask, "now what?"
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